Bipartisanship, Ha!
It's clear that, for all their talk about how important bipartisanship in Washington is, and how put out they are that Obama isn't listening to their ideas anymore, the GOP is just, well, full of it.
It's pretty hard to listen to someone's ideas when a) they have no new ideas and b) they are constantly making up the most insane claims, and outright lies.
For example, the GOP budget proposals. Last week they offered a 'budget' that had the remarkable quality for a budget of having no numbers. Well, I guess it had page numbers.
Then this week, their point man on the budget released this graph, showing how the GOP plan was apparently the only way to save planet Earth.

Curiously, though the chart says right on it that it is based on the CBO's Long-Term Alterative Fiscal Scenario, that scenario doesn't extend past 2019. Which isn't even half-way across the span of the GOP chart. All that part of the blue "Democratic Budgets" line that shoots up to the stratosphere?
And not even a very smart one. Seriously, is it even possible to have an economy where government spending is 50% of the GDP? How would that happen? And how is it the Republicans have such good information about the economy 40 years from now, much less 70?
As one wag put it, considering that they aren't showing the effect on the deficit of the discovery of warp drive in 2063, it just doesn't seem like they are being very realistic.
It's bad enough that the GOP insists on repeating that nonsensical and multiple-times-disproven-by-facts mantra about how cutting taxes raises revenue, but now they have to invent completely insane fantasies about future spending levels? And they wonder why no one wants to include them in the discussions anymore?
What is wrong with these people?
It's pretty hard to listen to someone's ideas when a) they have no new ideas and b) they are constantly making up the most insane claims, and outright lies.
For example, the GOP budget proposals. Last week they offered a 'budget' that had the remarkable quality for a budget of having no numbers. Well, I guess it had page numbers.
Then this week, their point man on the budget released this graph, showing how the GOP plan was apparently the only way to save planet Earth.

Curiously, though the chart says right on it that it is based on the CBO's Long-Term Alterative Fiscal Scenario, that scenario doesn't extend past 2019. Which isn't even half-way across the span of the GOP chart. All that part of the blue "Democratic Budgets" line that shoots up to the stratosphere?
And not even a very smart one. Seriously, is it even possible to have an economy where government spending is 50% of the GDP? How would that happen? And how is it the Republicans have such good information about the economy 40 years from now, much less 70?
As one wag put it, considering that they aren't showing the effect on the deficit of the discovery of warp drive in 2063, it just doesn't seem like they are being very realistic.
It's bad enough that the GOP insists on repeating that nonsensical and multiple-times-disproven-by-facts mantra about how cutting taxes raises revenue, but now they have to invent completely insane fantasies about future spending levels? And they wonder why no one wants to include them in the discussions anymore?
What is wrong with these people?