Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Men of Principle

OK, so, after years of letting themselves be lied to, insulted and betrayed, and yet NOT DOING ANYTHING ABOUT IT, this is where they start drawing lines and making a stand?

The secretary of the Senate on Tuesday blocked former Illinois Attorney General Roland Burris from taking the state's vacant Senate seat, saying Burris' credentials were not in order.

Senate leaders had said they would not seat Burris, who was appointed by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich to fill President-elect Barack Obama's vacant seat. Blagojevich has been charged with public corruption.
So, just so we're clear, you can start a war on false pretexts, illegally wiretap American citizens or detain them without charge, and authorize torture, and Senate Democrats might complain, but won't actually do anything about it.

But try to take a legitimate appointment from a scumbag, but not yet convicted or removed from office, governor and WATCH OUT!! That will not stand!

There are some things that are just beyond the pale, I guess.