How Does That Work?
The mischief surrounding one administration staffer named Monica resulted in a presidential impeachment and months of embarrassing scandal, though her activities didn't seriously interfere with the functioning of government.
Yet the mischief surrounding a different administration staffer named Monica has resulted in only a long-delayed departmental Inspector General's report, with no prospect of criminal punishment for anyone, even though it seriously compromised the legitimacy of the Justice Department, replaced a qualified, experienced terrorism prosecutor with a hack, and violated both policy and the law.
That doesn't seem right, does it?
As refreshing as it is to have an official report conclude that the things bloggers were screaming about months and years ago were, in fact, true, it would be better if there was a more exhaustive investigation, with some actual punishment. One IG's report doesn't mean we know the whole story.
It seems clear to me based on the evidence already exposed that a serious investigation would trace it to the White House. Monica Goodling didn't invent the idea of stacking the DOJ and the judiciary with extreme Bush loyalists herself. The IG described what was happening as "serious, significant, and systemic," but his brief was investigating the Justice Department, not the White House.
I'm sure that for a minute fraction of what Ken Starr spent, it could be uncovered. Despite all the 'missing' email.
Let's hope that Senators Schumer and Whitehouse direct some of the anger visible in today's Judiciary committee hearing into making that happen.
Yet the mischief surrounding a different administration staffer named Monica has resulted in only a long-delayed departmental Inspector General's report, with no prospect of criminal punishment for anyone, even though it seriously compromised the legitimacy of the Justice Department, replaced a qualified, experienced terrorism prosecutor with a hack, and violated both policy and the law.
That doesn't seem right, does it?
As refreshing as it is to have an official report conclude that the things bloggers were screaming about months and years ago were, in fact, true, it would be better if there was a more exhaustive investigation, with some actual punishment. One IG's report doesn't mean we know the whole story.
It seems clear to me based on the evidence already exposed that a serious investigation would trace it to the White House. Monica Goodling didn't invent the idea of stacking the DOJ and the judiciary with extreme Bush loyalists herself. The IG described what was happening as "serious, significant, and systemic," but his brief was investigating the Justice Department, not the White House.
I'm sure that for a minute fraction of what Ken Starr spent, it could be uncovered. Despite all the 'missing' email.
Let's hope that Senators Schumer and Whitehouse direct some of the anger visible in today's Judiciary committee hearing into making that happen.