Thursday, April 17, 2008

While We're At It

Have people noticed that a prospective Democratic nominee was suggesting that we have a NATO-like commitment to respond with massive American military force to attacks in the Mideast.
SENATOR CLINTON: Well, in fact, George, I think that we should be looking to create an umbrella of deterrence that goes much further than just Israel. Of course I would make it clear to the Iranians that an attack on Israel would incur massive retaliation from the United States, but I would do the same with other countries in the region.
I mean, it's not like that's a volatile region at all. I'm sure all of us would be happy to have our troops sent to retaliate against attacks in that region. I mean, when was the last time anyone over there ever attacked anyone else? It isn't like there is a wide array of complex historical, ethnic, religious and economic conflicts there that we'd get be offering to be entangled by, right?

What has she been smoking? As Keith Olbermann remarked, this puts her somewhere to the right of the Bush administration, which he didn't think was physically possible.

And, since she was out there, why not prove that she respects the national intelligence community AND the intelligence of the electorate just as much as the current President:
You know, we are at a very dangerous point with Iran. The Bush policy has failed. Iran has not been deterred. They continue to try to not only obtain the fissile material for nuclear weapons but they are intent upon and using their efforts to intimidate the region and to have their way when it comes to the support of terrorism in Lebanon and elsewhere.
Yes, for those of you who have memories that extend as far as five months ago, the latest National Intelligence Estimate on Iran did indeed say that Iran had halted its nuclear program in 2003, and that we do not know that Iran intends to develop a nuclear weapon.

(Perhaps Senator Clinton was too busy reviewing the bios of everyone Obama ever served on a board with to have read that NIE. After all, she apparently didn't read the one about Iraq either.)

But remember, Obama knows a guy who was a Hippie bomber!!! And his pastor is an Angry Black Man!!!