Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Is He Kidding Me?

BUCHAREST (Reuters) - U.S. President George W. Bush urged NATO allies on Wednesday to send more troops to Afghanistan, but France played down expectations it would tell an alliance summit it will deploy 1,000 extra soldiers.

Bush said NATO could not afford to lose its battle against Taliban insurgents and al Qaeda militants and recalled that France had indicated it could boost its 1,500-strong force.

"Whatever the cost, however difficult, we cannot afford it, we must win."
It really is too bad that the Commander-in-Chief of the biggest, baddest military force in all of NATO decided to up and redeploy his forces into a pointless quagmire elsewhere, instead of finishing the job in Afghanistan. If that hadn't happened, maybe our President wouldn't need to go pleading to other NATO nations to send their troops out of Europe to fight a land war in Asia.

Who was that infamous 'hero' of Tora Bora again?

Oh. Yeah. Right.

Did being in Europe confuse George about which day was April Fool's day? Because this sure sounds like a bad practical joke.