Sunday, April 06, 2008

What Is She Saying?

From CBS:
Clinton defended her vote on the war saying voters should compare both her and Obama's records.

“I made a considered judgment, I didn’t make a speech, I made a decision and it was a decision based on my best assessment on what would be in the interest of our country at that very uncertain time.”

Clinton said that historians will judge if her decision was the right one, but she reminded voters that Obama’s voting record on the war is not very different than hers.

“When you want to compare, compare decisions so when Senator Obama came to the Senate, he and I voted exactly the same except for one vote and that happens to be the facts.”

Obama has been credited with foreseeing a troublesome war in Iraq primarily due to a speech he gave in 2002 while he was a state senator, where he spoke out against the war. Clinton said, “I started criticizing the war in Iraq before he did. So, I’m well aware that his entire campaign is premised on a speech he gave in 2002 and I give him credit for making that speech. But that was not a decision.”
So, Senator Clinton, you made a considered judgment? You, a sitting US Senator, with a staff of people to do research, and access to information, and your judgement was not as good as mine, when I just had reporting from Knight-Ridder, the foreign press, and the ability to imagine that the Bush administration might exaggerate or even lie outright. (Seriously, woman, no one listening to the administration’s rhetoric could have truly believed they would allow the UN to handle the situation.)

Why, exactly, should I vote for you to make decisions on my behalf when, on this crucial vote, you actually made a considered decision that was so wrong?

It also really wasn’t that “uncertain” a time. Iraq hadn’t attacked us, had no real interest to serve by attacking us, and, based on the reports of neutral observers, didn’t have the means to attack us. Plus, we were still engaged with the battle against those who HAD attacked us, a completely different set of folks.

Finally, that bit about historians judging whether the decision was the right one sounds familiar. Where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah, that guy in the White House.

Sadly, Hillary, it isn't just historians who are judging that decision. It's me, and the other voters. I say it was wrong, and I am shocked that you aren't willing, at this late date, to frankly say it was wrong also. It also carries no weight with me that you and Obama have voting records that are similar on the issue of what to do about the war once we were stuck in it. Trying to make the best of a bad situation isn't the same as keeping us out of the situation in the first place. Don't try to con me.

And as for that last bit, about criticizing the war before he did? All I can say is, were you under sniper fire at that time?

(Come on, Senator. You're an intelligent woman. Why do you say these absurd things? Why should I have confidence in a candidate who is obviously trying to snow me? Are you sleep-deprived? Just how good would you be at 3am?)