Thursday, July 26, 2007


I wonder what it must be like to be a minor apparatchik working in the White House these days. Legal papers are dropping all around, a little like mortars in the Green Zone these days.

In today's news, Congress has subpoenaed Karl Rove, four influential Senators called for a special counsel to investigate perjury by the Attorney General, and the director of the FBI further contradicted Mr. Gonzales' testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

This, of course, is before the echoes have fully died from the subpoenas of the President's Chief of Staff Josh Bolten, and his former counsel Harriet Miers.

Then, as if the White House and DOJ scandals weren't bad enough, AP is now running a story detailing a macabre new turn in the Pat Tillman scandal. It may turn out that the scandalous fictionalization and cover-up regarding the method of his death may not have merely been covering up a tragic accident, but something more criminal.

It's the sort of news day that leaves one feeling the White House may actually be glad to hear reports from NASA that some astronauts may have been drinking heavily before flight, and someone apparently deliberately cut wires inside a computer that was destined for the space station. Between the image of drunken astronauts and Lindsay Lohan, the cable channels may find something else to talk about.