Sunday, July 03, 2005

Get Real

Flying the flag this weekend, or driving around with a magnetic sticker, is all well and good, but soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan can't see that.

If you really want to support the troops, how about sending them a letter or a package? If you're like me, you don't actually know any of them personally, so that seems difficult. What do you write in the address?

That's where the website comes in. Check it out. You can pick from a list of soldiers, and each one will tell you what would be good to send, and the site will give you all the info you need on how to send it. Even letters from people they don't even know sounds like a pretty supportive idea.

Frankly, I'd feel better mailing off a case of moist towelettes from Costco to some guys stuck in the dusty oven of Iraq than I'm likely to ever feel flying the flag from my porch. And can you imagine what G.I. lip balm must be like? You get the idea. Check it out. It's not their fault they're stuck in a hell-hole with no end in sight, right?

In other news, postings around here may be light over the next few weeks. Your local Empiricist has some other projects taking center stage. If you get bored, go watch Le Tour. (When I get back, I'll offer a prize for the most inane quote from Bob Roll, so take notes.)