Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Church. State. See the difference?

C'mon, guys, I realize you won the election and all, but could you at least try to keep up a pretense that you aren't all about instituting a state religion, just for show?
MR. McCLELLAN: ... The President remains committed to doing everything he can to protect the sanctity of marriage. He believes very strongly that it is a sacred institution between a man and a woman.
Sanctity? Sacred? Is he President or Head Priest? Shouldn't we leave it up to the clergy to worry about the sanctity of things, and have the President, and (shockingly) the courts, worry about the legality of things? Wasn't that the previous agreement? Don't I recall a bit of bother Old Europe had with governments getting involved in defending the sanctity of things?

See, Scott, I wouldn't get so cranky about this, since I know you guys usually spew the religious rhetoric just until the votes are counted, and then do nothing. But all this media misreporting about how "values" voters won the election has your "Christianist" supporters all frothy to see some results at last. And, in a contest between them and my Constitution, I'm thinking they matter more to you.