Saturday, October 16, 2004


We interrupt the daily stream of postings for some simple housekeeping measures.

It's been suggested that something may be broken about the commenting feature of this blog, so we're going to test it. While we're at it, I'll formally introduce you to some features of the blog you may not have noticed.

You'll see at the bottom of this, and every, posting is a line beginning "posted by." This line contains several bits you can click on to activate features. The first link is hidden behind the time-stamp. It is a "permanent link" to the posting just above. If you save that link as a Bookmark or Favorite, it will bring you back to that specific posting later. You won't have to scroll around, or wander through archives to find it again.

Next is a link saying Comment. Clicking on this link will bring up a window for you to respond to what you have just read. Yes, Virginia, this IS an interactive medium. You will be able to see what others have written, and they'll see what you write. Whole conversations can take place. The small number beside the word Comment shows how many comments have been posted in response to the posting so far. You needn't be shy if that number is zero. (On some blogs, people compete to be the first commenter.) By the way, the name, email, and URL fields are all optional. (I'm not completely sure that this feature is safe from "harvest" by spammers, so you may want to be careful about putting your favorite email address here.)

I'd like everyone who reads this to go enter a comment now, so that I know that this is actually working, and not preventing or losing comments. After you comment, you should be able to check to see if your comment appears.

The next feature is a Trackback link. Trackback is a way for bloggers to let each other know when they have referred to something on each other's blog. It also allows blog readers to find other blogs talking about the same subject. If you are a blogger and you don't know what trackback is, go here.

Finally, there's a cute little envelope icon, with the words "Email This". On the off chance that I generate a pearl of wisdom you want to share, you can click on this. It will bring up a window where you can enter your name, and the email address of your friend, write a little comment to them, and then fire off an email containing your comment and a link right to that posting. (This is particularly handy when I'm long-winded, since you won't clog up your friend's email with a long screed.) There will be a little "powered by Blogger" line at the bottom, but it's relatively ad-free, as these things go. Try it, you'll like it.

It also makes a great way to introduce this blog to new readers. Which, by the way, I would very much like you to do. My server statistics show that I am slowly gaining more readers, but I want to encourage and accelerate that growth. If there are people you know who might enjoy reading here, please contact them, and encourage them to take a look. Thanks.

We now return you to political ranting, already in progress.