He Forgot Armenia!
Among the many countries Kerry left out when he so rudely disparaged the international coalition in Iraq was Armenia, who committed to send us 50 troops.
Funny thing about that:
Funny thing about that:
Prime Minister Andranik Markarian stressed that it was up to the Constitutional Court and the parliament to make the decision on sending the troops even though Armenia's president pledged the troops during a visit to Poland last month."We'll continue to build strong coalitions," all right. Yup. (You don't suppose the Armenians are thinking the world might not be a safer place now that Saddam is in jail, do you?)
"Let's not forget that ... there have been certain changes from the conditions under which we gave preliminary approval," Makarian said,
Armenia, a former Soviet republic has sought to portray the decision to send troops to Iraq as a way to boost ties with Europe, but critics worry that it will endanger the 25,000-person Armenian community living in Iraq.
"We also have concerns on this count. It's possible that as a result Armenia could become of the targets of terrorists," Markarian said.