Thursday, October 14, 2004

President endorses Kerry Health plan?

BUSH: He just said he wants everybody to be able to buy in to the same plan that senators and congressmen get. That costs the government $7,700 per family.
I think there are a lot of small business owners out there who heard this and thought, "Hey, that's better than what I'm paying." And Kerry is also offering a 50% tax credit to businesses for buying it.

It shows just how out of touch Bush is, and how primitive the real discussion of health costs is, that he could use this number as an attack. There are a lot of Americans who would love to only be paying $7700 a year for their whole family. Bush just made the case for a single-payer health system. At the very least it was a powerful argument for the relatively modest plan that Kerry is proposing.

For more about health care costs, check out this article.