Thursday, September 09, 2004

I'm just wondering.

Why didn't he take the physical? I mean, sure, I've heard their story about how he was going to Alabama, where they didn't fly jets, so having a flight physical was unnecessary. But, so what? I mean, I don't know much about Texas Air National Guard physicals, but were they really grueling, or something? I mean, if you were expected to take one, and had been ordered to take one, why not just take one? We all know the military is full of doing stupid things just because it's regulation, or you were ordered to.

I've sometimes heard of pilots avoiding physicals because they are afraid they won't pass, and won't be allowed to fly, but he didn't care about not being allowed to fly. So why not go? (At this point, I'd like to say that I find it a bit churlish that he had our government pay for him to learn to fly jets, and then didn't continue flying them until his six years were up, but maybe that's my archaic honor code thing.)

So, I've got to think he either didn't take the physical because he really was a snot-nosed arrogant son-of-privilege who thought he was too good to be prodded by some lowly TANG doctor, or that maybe, just maybe, there was something about his physical condition he didn't want a doctor seeing, and putting in a medical record somewhere.

(Yeah, it is pretty churlish of me to be thinking that way, and posting about it, but that's what he gets after all these years of lying and insulting my intelligence. I'll start treating him with respect when he starts treating me with some. )