Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Another Take

All over the airwaves are people telling you what the "message" of the Scott Brown election is. Here's an opinion you probably won't hear. The "message" is that in the real world voters don't care about 'bipartisanship' or 'collegiality' or any other DC nicety. They care about results. If there has been a 'failure' in the Obama administration, it was spending far, far too much time courting Republicans who had planned a dead-ender obstructionist stand all along. If they'd hit the August deadline, they could have pivoted to jobs and the second stimulus in the fall, which was, I thought, the plan. Putting trust in Max Baucus was not change anyone could believe in.

The "message" is not that voters want Republicans, it's that they want the change they voted for in 2008, they aren't getting it, and they'll do just about anything because they are so desperate. Including electing a good looking, personable politician who, by the way, just happens to be a right-wing nut.