So, I'm Thinking...
I'm thinking that Ned Lamont wouldn't be talking about filibustering a key Democratic objective.
Say, Harry, wasn't it you who said Joe was with us on everything but the war?
Just in case you thought Joltin' Joe wasn't serious, read his health-care rap sheet as compiled by the folks at My Left Nutmeg.
Barack, I'm lookin' at you. You stood by him, you endorsed him, you talked about how much "he cares about the working families of America." We could have had a real, progressive Democrat in the caucus, not someLikkud 'Connecticut for My Own Self' Party stand-in, but you decided to stand by Joe.
How's that workin' out for ya?
Let's review. He ran for McCain. He was allowed to keep an influential chairmanship, which he's used not to investigate, say, Blackwater, or Haliburton electrocuting our troops, but rather the burning question of whether there are too many "czars" in the White House. And now he's making noises about joining a Republican filibuster on the most important Democratic agenda item in decades?
At this point in his career, I'm not sure what it would take to twist Joe's arm, but the White House really owes us that twisting here. And Harry, if he can't be trusted to stand by us on cloture votes, what the heck is he still doing in our caucus??
Say, Harry, wasn't it you who said Joe was with us on everything but the war?
Just in case you thought Joltin' Joe wasn't serious, read his health-care rap sheet as compiled by the folks at My Left Nutmeg.
Barack, I'm lookin' at you. You stood by him, you endorsed him, you talked about how much "he cares about the working families of America." We could have had a real, progressive Democrat in the caucus, not some
How's that workin' out for ya?
Let's review. He ran for McCain. He was allowed to keep an influential chairmanship, which he's used not to investigate, say, Blackwater, or Haliburton electrocuting our troops, but rather the burning question of whether there are too many "czars" in the White House. And now he's making noises about joining a Republican filibuster on the most important Democratic agenda item in decades?
At this point in his career, I'm not sure what it would take to twist Joe's arm, but the White House really owes us that twisting here. And Harry, if he can't be trusted to stand by us on cloture votes, what the heck is he still doing in our caucus??