Tuesday, September 30, 2008

All of Them??


OK, well, maybe not Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, but at least Asahi Shimbun, I'm sure.

Seriously, how hard is it to name a couple of newspapers, even if you don't actually read them? Anchorage Daily News? Wall St. Journal?

Not even USA Today?

I realize I'm a nerd and a current-events junkie, but without trying I can think of the names of at least a dozen more newspapers in this country - Boston Globe, New York Times, Washington Post, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Miami Herald, New Orleans Times Picayune, Houston Chronicle, Cleveland Plain Dealer, Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Enquirer, Denver Post, LA Times, Seattle Post-Intelligencer, the Christian Science Monitor, ... well, you get the idea. Palin couldn't even pull out the name of one of them?

And that's not even talking about magazines! Time, Newsweek, US News & World Report, Forbes? Anything?

This is a woman who is profoundly incurious about the world. That's a bad trait in someone so opinionated and sure of herself. We've already had experience with electing a right-wing governor with no real interest in the larger world. It hasn't been pretty.