Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Thank Goodness

Thank goodness there are pundits and Republican pollsters all over the airwaves this morning to help me understand that Lamont's victory in the Connecticut primary is the signal of a dangerous rise in partisanship that can only be bad for the country.

Otherwise, I might have thought that a Republican Congressional leadership that deliberately cuts Democrats out of deliberations might have been that signal.

Or I might have thought that a House leader who opposes bills expressly because they might have some Democratic support might be that signal.

Or I might have thought that telling lobbying organizations they had to hire Republicans if they wanted to get access to Congress, that might have been the signal.

Or I might think that a Presidential candidate restricting attendence at his public appearences only to those who already agree with him might be that signal.

Or a President taking more time away from his vacations for campaigning than for coping with serious national and international crises might be that signal.

But now I know that it's just when Democrats want a Senator who actually shares the position of a majority of Americans on Social Security, drug prices, bankruptcy, and, oh yeah, that pesky war that's when it's a sign of dangerous partisanship.

When the Republicans start actually caring about bipartisanship, call me. Until then, stop pretending that wacky bomb-throwers are taking over. They're already in charge.