Thursday, March 23, 2006

Thank You, Jack Cafferty

Journalist Jack Cafferty, on CNN, with an appropriate response to the unsubtle attack on the media coverage of Iraq by the administration and its defenders.
Cafferty:..You know, I just have a question. I mean, part of the coverage – they don't like the coverage – maybe because we were sold a different ending to this story three years ago. We were told that we'd be embraced as conquering heroes, flower pedals strewn in the soldiers' paths, a unity government would be formed, everything would be rosy this -- three years after the fact, the troops would be home.

Well, it's not turning out that way. And if somebody came into New York City and blew up St. Patrick's Cathedral and in the resulting days they were finding 50 and 60 dead bodies a day on the streets of New York, you suppose the news media would cover it? You're damn right they would.

This is nonsense, 'it's the media's fault that the news isn't good in Iraq.' The news isn't good in Iraq. There's violence in Iraq. People are found dead every day in the streets of Baghdad. This didn't turn out the way the politicians told us it would. And it's our fault? I beg to differ.