Monday, March 20, 2006

So Humble

What's that, Mr. Cheney? Speak up.
With Bush's public approval ratings at the lowest of his presidency, there has been speculation about a possible shake-up at the White House.

"The president hasn't indicated he plans to make any changes. If he does and when he does, I'm sure he'll announce it," Cheney said.

The vice president, who is often portrayed by satirists as the real power at the White House, said his role is to advise the president.

"I don't run anything. I'm not in charge of the White House. I'm not in charge of the Defense Department, as I once was, or a congressman from Wyoming," Cheney said.
Yeah, yeah, 'warm bucket of spit' and all that.

Aren't you the same guy who was saying he had the power to declassify documents at will? And wasn't there a little energy task-force thingie a while back? I mean, it's not like all they have you do is make speeches and lie to the American people, though that is a very important part of your job. (Remember telling the VFW that there was "no doubt" that Saddam had WMD and was "amassing them" to use them against us? Ah, good times, huh?)

Y'know, as I reread this comment, something sounds strangely familiar...'I don't run anything, I'm not in charge', where have I heard that before? Oh, yeah that other bald guy who was dangerous with guns. Only, he really didn't have responsibility for what was going on.

"I know no-zing! No-zing!"