Monday, February 13, 2006

"Be Vewwwy Quiet...

I'm hunting Whittingtons!"

There's lots of news about Dick Cheney blasting one of his buddies while hunting without proper stamp on a gigundous ranch in Texas owned by a Republican supporter. Since I just got back from a weekend away, and I have a lot to do right now, I'll let others do the work of tearing this incident apart. (I'd recommend checking out Firedoglake for starters.)

My one comment before I adjourn: can there be any doubt, if it had been a story favoring Cheney, like him saving a baby from drowning in the ranch's pool, that the White House press operation would have been pumping it out to the media in time for the evening network news West Coast feed? There would be witnesses set up in the library of the main house to handle remote interviews with TV and radio one after another.

What's with this waiting around for their hostess to contact someone at the local paper? Like she's equipped to deal with calls from thousands of press organizations about this story? Right.