Just Thinkin'...
Did anyone have the forethought to throw a few loops of copper wire around Peter Rodino and Sam Ervin? With the full media press from Charles Colson and G. Gordon Liddy in response to the Deep Throat story, we could be powering half the East Coast just from them spinning in their graves.
It's good that these men didn't live to see the spectacle of convicted criminals being paraded as "experts", to comment on a man who was key to ending the massive assault on the Constitution and our Liberty that they were convicted of participating in. Imagine watching the cable anchors earnestly listening to a bank robber righteously denouncing a dye-pack for "dishonorably" exploding all over him.
Piling on, the hyperbolic ranting of Pat Buchannan and Peggy Noonan (undeserving of links from me) would have us believe that Felt was not only a "traitor", but was indirectly responsible for the crimes of Pol Pot. The mind boggles.
It is only in the W. era, where gross reality-distortion is stock-in-trade, that such scum could be proudly brought before the TV lights, and not lurk beneath the baseboards in that dark, damp corner downstairs.
For those who might like a more realistic account of what happened, and the role of Mark Felt, I suggest The Wars of Watergate by Stanley Kutler. While I haven't yet read it myself, I have it on reliable authority that it is an excellent history.
Time to get started on that Mendacity Drive engine...talk about a renewable resource!
It's good that these men didn't live to see the spectacle of convicted criminals being paraded as "experts", to comment on a man who was key to ending the massive assault on the Constitution and our Liberty that they were convicted of participating in. Imagine watching the cable anchors earnestly listening to a bank robber righteously denouncing a dye-pack for "dishonorably" exploding all over him.
Piling on, the hyperbolic ranting of Pat Buchannan and Peggy Noonan (undeserving of links from me) would have us believe that Felt was not only a "traitor", but was indirectly responsible for the crimes of Pol Pot. The mind boggles.
It is only in the W. era, where gross reality-distortion is stock-in-trade, that such scum could be proudly brought before the TV lights, and not lurk beneath the baseboards in that dark, damp corner downstairs.
For those who might like a more realistic account of what happened, and the role of Mark Felt, I suggest The Wars of Watergate by Stanley Kutler. While I haven't yet read it myself, I have it on reliable authority that it is an excellent history.
Time to get started on that Mendacity Drive engine...talk about a renewable resource!