Friday, May 20, 2005

I laughed, I cried.

A long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Well, actually just yesterday in Washington, MoveOnPAC, a progressive activist group, jumped on the Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith bandwagon, and released a video ad portraying the right-wing's "nuclear option" assault on the Senate in the Star Wars idiom.

The ridiculously home-made computer animation has little flying White Houses shooting laser bolts at an orbiting Capitol building, and even features a hooded Frist with his figure over a red button, with a screen showing the Capitol in the targeting sights. Frankly, the ad is pretty over the top, and I'd think it was a parody, if it weren't hosted on MoveOnPAC's own website. I dare you to watch it without laughing out loud.

The Republicans aren't happy about it. The RNC released this statement in response:
"'s vulgar depiction of a violent attack on the Capitol -- a building that symbolizes our democracy -- is beyond the pale of acceptable political discourse. Democrats know Senator Frist's efforts are intended to restore Senate tradition by granting highly qualified judicial nominees the vote they deserve and have received for the past 214 years. It's sad that the Democrats and their third party allies would choose to play on Americans' fears instead of engaging in constructive political debate."
And I thought the MoveOnPAC ad seemed like a parody!

The silly TV cartoon ad from an independent advocacy group is "vulgar" and "beyond the pale of acceptable political discourse", but the Republican Senate leadership saying, on the floor of the Senate, that Democrats are out to "assassinate" judges and are "like Hitler" is just fine, apparently. (What, is it the bad animation that makes the difference?)

But this statement must really be a parody, right? I mean, that line about Frist intending to "restore Senate tradition" and "the past 214 years", that's a laughy! And that whole "play on Americans' fears instead of constructive political debate" thing! 2004 Republican campaign, anyone? My sides are splitting! And I thought the Republicans had no good writers and no sense of self-mockery. I was laughing so hard I got dizzy.

Then I realized they wanted me to take it seriously.