Bolton Central
If you just can't get enough of the mind-boggling revelations coming out regarding Capt. Kangaroo's evil twin, John Bolton, I suggest The Washington Note, the blogosphere's best resource on the evolving story. Steve Clemmons will keep you days ahead of the Times or the Post.
Let's see, so far we have him a) trying to can analysts who refused to approve lies in his speeches, b) selectively passing intelligence to his superiors, c) blowing a hole in negotiations with North Korea by spouting off in public thereby forcing a superior to specifically tell foreign governments not to listen to him, d) accessing NSA communication intercepts (possibly on US officials he personally disagreed with), and, most recently, e) routinely meeting with officials in Israel, Russia, France and Britain without telling the ambassadors responsible for those countries (not that close coordination of our relations with those countries might be important...), a clear violation of State Dept. procedure.
Oh, and that doesn't even include f) the chasing a woman down a hallway, throwing things, and g) all that stuff about his contempt for the UN in the first place.
Not only is Bolton a jerk, he has a bad habit of running his own foreign policy, and not hesitating to trample our official policy, or the people who get in his way. In fact, he seems to go out of his way to punish those who interfere with his loose-cannon excursions.
Today's Steve Clemmons post talks about what the Bolton nomination says about the internal politics at the White House.
Let's see, so far we have him a) trying to can analysts who refused to approve lies in his speeches, b) selectively passing intelligence to his superiors, c) blowing a hole in negotiations with North Korea by spouting off in public thereby forcing a superior to specifically tell foreign governments not to listen to him, d) accessing NSA communication intercepts (possibly on US officials he personally disagreed with), and, most recently, e) routinely meeting with officials in Israel, Russia, France and Britain without telling the ambassadors responsible for those countries (not that close coordination of our relations with those countries might be important...), a clear violation of State Dept. procedure.
Oh, and that doesn't even include f) the chasing a woman down a hallway, throwing things, and g) all that stuff about his contempt for the UN in the first place.
Not only is Bolton a jerk, he has a bad habit of running his own foreign policy, and not hesitating to trample our official policy, or the people who get in his way. In fact, he seems to go out of his way to punish those who interfere with his loose-cannon excursions.
Today's Steve Clemmons post talks about what the Bolton nomination says about the internal politics at the White House.