Friday, March 18, 2005


I'd just like to take the opportunity to put the word out that, if I should suffer a massive heart attack, lose oxygen to my brain, and spend 15 years in a persistent vegetative state, while what remains of my cereberal cortex decays and is replaced by spinal fluid, and Congress supoenaes me as a "witness" in an attempt to earn political advantage by poking its nose into my most personal and tragic moments, I want someone to tell them to go Cheney themselves. They should be ashamed.

Should such a case arise, I want anyone with legal guardianship of me to refuse to appear, so that they cite me with Contempt of Congress, which is certainly what I would be feeling, if I had a brain still capable of such thoughts (which I wouldn't), and am feeling plenty now, just in case.

ABC News obtained talking points circulated among Senate Republicans explaining why they should vote to intervene in the Schiavo case. Among them, that it is an important moral issue and the "pro-life base will be excited," and that it is a "great political issue -- this is a tough issue [for] Democrats."
More details about the Schiavo case than it feels seemly for a stranger to know may be found here.