Wednesday, March 02, 2005

A Most Amusing Read

At the heart of the scandal surrounding the regular appearance of a male prostitute pretending to be a reporter in White House press events is the question, "How did he get a security pass?"

It's been revealed that, rather than using the "hard pass" which requires an extensive background check, Gannon/Guckert took advantage of the "day pass" system. These passes are intended for reporters who only need to cover a single event, and supposedly, are quite easy to get. This is why, supposedly, G/G was able to get one every day for over two years, including before the website for which he was a "reporter" was even running.

Ever since this came out, I've been wondering, is it really that easy to get a day pass? G/G's claimed it's basically just showing up and providing a driver's license. It seems like testing this claim would be important in making the case that G/G got special treatment because he was actually a White House plant, or worse, someone's "boyfriend".

Finally, I'm getting an answer. Enterprising DC media critic and blogger Garrett Graff has started a campaign to be admitted to a White House press briefing using a day pass. He's blogging each day's story on his blog FishBowl DC. Two days in, and he's still trapped in a web of interns who seem dedicated to politely, though not overtly, blocking his access. Let's just say they clearly aren't in a rush to cut him a pass, and there seem to be a lot of "meetings" and early departures from the office.

Tune in tomorrow for the next exciting episode! Will Garrett speak to the mysterious "spokesman" that the interns claim must authorize his pass? Will the friendly intern Caroline come to the rescue, or will cranky intern Jenny consign him to "he'll return your call" limbo? Will Garrett's call get passed back and forth between the Press Office and the Media Affairs office? Will we learn why there are two offices? Will Garrett again go down to the White House, only to be shut out? Find out next time on FishBowl DC!

G/G's presence at the briefings is looking more suspicious every day.