Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Turkeys get off free

Why this transcript has been posted, when the latest press briefings haven't, I have no idea, but maybe they are all really proud of the gag-writing from the Turkey Pardoning.
THE PRESIDENT: I'm pleased to welcome Biscuits -- (laughter) -- the National Thanksgiving Turkey. Biscuits, welcome. (Laughter.)

This is an election year, and Biscuits had to earn his spot at the White House. Over the past week, thousands of voters cast ballots on the White House website. It was a close race. You might say it was neck-and-neck. (Laughter.) When all the voters were in -- all the votes were in, Biscuits and his running mate, Gravy, prevailed over the ticket of Patience and Fortitude. (Laughter.) The Vice President and I are here to congratulate Biscuits for a race well run.

It came down to a few battleground states. (Laughter.) It was a tough contest, and it turned out some 527 organizations got involved -- (laughter) -- including Barnyard Animals for Truth. (Laughter.) There was a scurrilous film that came out, 'Fahrenheit 375 Degrees at 10 Minutes Per Pound.' (Laughter.) Now, it's a time for healing.
I guess this same spirit of healing was in the hearts of the House Republicans this morning also:
WASHINGTON (AP) - House Republicans approved a party rules change Wednesday that could allow Majority leader Tom DeLay to retain his leadership post if he is indicted by a Texas grand jury on state political corruption charges.

By a voice vote, and with a handful of lawmakers voicing opposition, the House Republican Conference decided that a party committee of several dozen members would review any felony indictment of a party leader and recommend at that time whether the leader should step aside.

The current party rule in this area requires House Republican leaders and the heads of the various committees to relinquish their positions if indicted for a crime that could bring a prison term of at least two years. It makes no distinction between a federal and state indictment. Three of DeLay's political associates already have been indicted by that Texas grand jury.