Monday, September 20, 2004

White Man's Burden, 2004

Donald Rumsfeld actually said:
We’re in the processing of doing that and they’re making good progress politically. They’re making progress economically. The schools are open. The hospitals are open. They have a stock market functioning. They sent some teams to the Olympics. They have a symphony and at the same time, amidst all those good things that are happening, people are being killed. Iraqis are being killed, as they were yesterday and the day before. At some point the Iraqis will get tired of getting killed and we’ll have enough of the Iraqi security forces that they can take over responsibility for governing that country and we’ll be able to pare down the coalition security forces in the country.(emphasis mine)
But what it sounds like was:
Aren't those little Iraqis clever? Why, they've got themselves "schools", and "hospitals", they've even got themselves a cute little "stock market" and a "symphony"! Aren't they something? Now, if they'd just get over their primitive affection for getting themselves killed at random, and start acting like white folk, we might be able to train up enough foremen to keep some order down on the plantation, so we could spend more time up home at the Big House.
Do you think our success in Arab countries just might improve if we started behaving as if they were the heirs to thousands of years of civilization, art and culture, worthy of respect, instead of some unwashed savages it's our Christian duty to raise up?