Debate advice
Debate advice from pundits is falling out of the trees this week. On the right it mainly consists of setting expectations and explaining why, if Kerry doesn't reduce Bush to a whimpering puddle of protoplasm, smelling vaguely of ozone, then the election is over, and Bush has won. On the left, it mainly consists of people trying to convince Kerry to be strong, and speak in short sentences. Some have even started suggesting "zingers" that Kerry can have ready, for scoring that all-important Memorable Video Moment.
Here's one. I didn't create this, it was posted by a commenter on another blog. But since President Bush is still flogging that line about Kerry and the war vote "flip-flop", I thought it deserved distribution.
"I voted to load the gun. I didn't vote to have you shoot us in the foot with it."
Here's one. I didn't create this, it was posted by a commenter on another blog. But since President Bush is still flogging that line about Kerry and the war vote "flip-flop", I thought it deserved distribution.
"I voted to load the gun. I didn't vote to have you shoot us in the foot with it."