Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Bush to Poor Kids: Get Sick and Die

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President George W. Bush on Wednesday vetoed a measure to expand a popular children's health care program, launching the first in a series of major battles with Democrats over domestic spending.

The legislation would have provided an extra $35 billion over five years for the health program, which is administered by the states. Taxes on tobacco products would have been raised to pay for the increase.

The health bill enjoyed bipartisan support. The veto is likely to anger a number in Bush's own Republican Party who fear the issue will cost them votes in the congressional and presidential elections.

Supporters of the bill said it would have helped provide health coverage for some 10 million children.
The White House has issued a "fact sheet" outlining his position, chock full of misinformation and ideological nonsense. Particularly charming is the denial of any responsibility for the lapse of the SCHIP program, based on his having previously told Congress to pass a bill he would sign.

See, it's all Congress's fault. They should know how quick he is to veto bills, I mean, he's now vetoed four since he took office. And he warned them. He did. 'Do what I want, or else,' he said. (Apparently threatening children to get what you want is just fine with President Bush.)
A Washington Post-ABC News polls showed more than seven in 10 Americans supported the $35 billion increase proposed under the bill. By contrast, the same poll showed many wanted to see a reduction in Bush's spending proposal for the Iraq war.

The Senate overwhelmingly backed the health legislation. But the support for it in the House of Representatives may not be large enough to override Bush's veto.
Damn that Congress, doing what the people want, instead of what the President demands. They were really asking for a veto, huh?

In a functioning version of our system, the White House works with people in Congress, sometimes of both parties (!), to craft a bill that satisfies. They offer alternatives, and they lay out what is important to them. And then, when the Congress passes a bill that mostly fits that, the President signs it.

But in Bush's petulant Presidency, it's OK to be hands-off the process for months, come in to complain about it at the last minute, and then, when loyal members of his own party have fought and amended the bill to answer the complaints, veto it anyway, and claim it had flaws it doesn't have.

But don't take my word for it, take Republican Senator Charles Grassley's:
Now Mr. President, this bill does not warrant the overheated rhetoric we heard in the House on Tuesday. This is a bill that improves coverage for kids who are poor. This bill does not make it easer for illegal immigrants to get benefits. The bill clearly states that funds cannot go to illegal immigrants. The desperate efforts I heard on the House side to suggest the bill makes it easier for illegal immigrants to get benefits simply strains credibility. The bill does not extend eligibility for LEGAL immigrant children or pregnant women. The bill does not make CHIP an entitlement.

The bill is not a government takeover of health care. The bill is not socialized medicine. Screaming 'socialized medicine' during a health care debate is like shouting 'fire' in a crowded theatre. It is intended to cause hysteria that diverts people from looking at the facts. To those of you who make such outlandish accusations, I say, go shout 'fire' somewhere else. Serious people are trying to get real work done. Now's the time to get this done.

I appreciate very much the leadership that Chairman Baucus has provided. I thank him and Senator Rockefeller for what they did to reach a bipartisan agreement. I also extend my sincere thanks to Sen. Hatch for being part of this effort. Sen. Hatch was the main Republican sponsor of the bill that created the SCHIP program ten years ago. His commitment to the ideals and fundamentals of the program is steadfast and the program is better for it.

Mr. President, when we began the debate on CHIP, I wrote down my "Principles on SCHIP." I referred to these principles during the negotiations of the Senate bill and during the compromise discussions with the House. I made a copy for my staff and told my staff to adhere to these principles during the staff negotiations. Here are some highlights of my "Principles on SCHIP" and how they compare to this bill:

--It cannot be a middle class entitlement. This bill isn't.

--It must be paid for. The bill is paid for.

--It must be focused on families below 200% of the federal poverty level. This bill IS focused on those low income families.

--Kids should be covered before adults. The bill clearly makes that a requirement.

--The program should be capped, not an open-ended entitlement to states. The program continues to be capped in this bill.
It's infuriating and stupid that President Bush vetoed this bill simply because this country should be just as willing to ensure it has healthy children as it is to surge in Iraq. (And, based on polling results and the votes in Congress, it is.)

But it is also infuriating and stupid because it shows Bush's utter contempt for the process of government. It is like a spoiled teenager, hoisting a finger in the face of bipartisanship and responsible domestic policy. His rhetoric in support of his position is so transparently wrong and nonsensical that even senior Republicans argue with him.

He can't honestly believe that by vetoing this bill, he will soon be delivered something closer to his desires. This is not an attempt to reach a reasonable plan to fund SCHIP. The bill he vetoed is already the reasonable plan to fund SCHIP, the product of months of work and bipartisan compromise.

At best, he is trying to kill the SCHIP program while pretending not to. At worst, he doesn't even care one way or the other about SCHIP, his motivation has nothing to do with actually governing at all, and is just to prove to everyone that he is The Decider, and he can do what he wants.

How could he veto this bill, mere days after requesting a much larger amount be spent over a much shorter time to fund the effort in Iraq? Easy.

He has the power, and he just doesn't care what anyone thinks.