Monday, August 27, 2007

I Have A Bad Feeling About This ...

My initial reaction to hearing that Alberto Gonzales resigned was happiness. While he didn't give a reason for his departure, I can only assume it's to spend more time with his neurologist; those memory problems really need some professional attention. His neurologist and a good lawyer, that would be my recommendation.

However, upon further reflection, I’m worried.

It's almost September, and as we know, this White House views September as the time to roll out of the “new products”. Gonzales' resignation clears the way for the Attorney General nomination to be part of this fall's propaganda initiative.

It's clear that a sensible White House, mired in controversy and an unpopular war, riding historically low poll numbers, would nominate an uncontroversial, well-respected figure (if it could find one) to replace Gonzales. Traditionally, the replacement would be seen as a way to mend fences, ease the tension, and calm controversy.

But this isn’t a sensible White House. They've gotten to where they are by turning the traditional expectations of how to do politics upside-down. The Rove principle is to turn your opponent's strength into a weakness, and turn your own weakness into strength.

Which is why I can easily imagine them deliberately choosing not a sensible, agreeable-to-everyone nominee, but a very controversial one. It would be out of character for these guys to acknowledge their weakness by compromising on a reasonable, 'bi-partisan' nominee. No, now is the time to attack!

They know that the question of Iraq will be on the table in September. What could help them in that battle? A flanking manuver. Appoint Homeland Security head Chertoff (aka Skeletor) as Gonzales' replacement. Appoint some loyal Darth Vader-wannabe to replace Chertoff. Make their rapid confirmations an "issue", part of a full-breadth ‘national security’ propaganda campaign teamed with the Iraq report. Grab the rhetorical ground and set the frame so that if Congress won’t approve Chertoff for AG, and Darth-light at DHS, that will “prove” they don’t want to defend our country.

Before long, they'll be voting to approve whatever Honorable General Petraeus wants, just to relieve the sting of being portrayed as obstructionist terrist-lovers. (Just in case the Democrats might have learned something about how not to be played by the White House, the White House tested their response a few weeks ago with the FISA revisions. They're just as easy as ever.)

The key to the domination of the Bush politicos has been their willingness to follow the old Talking Heads adage: Stop Making Sense. They will say and do things that confound traditional wisdom, toujours l'audace. When it would make sense for them, deep in a hole, to stop digging and ask for a rope, they are far more likely to order up a steam shovel, and belittle other people for standing on the surface. Turning obvious weaknesses into strengths, confounding the normal expectations - it’s what they do.

Buckle your seatbelts. We’ll be spending September in topsy-turvy land.