The Wisdom of a Medium Lobster
Among the many strange eddies to be found in the vast flows and currents of the information stream, one of my favorites is a bizarre phenomenon known as Fafblog. In many ways, it appears as a blog, and yet, in so many ways it is something else. Truly, it lives up to its self-billing as "the whole world's only source for Fafblog."
Within that strange mini-universe dwell the three "authors" of Fafblog. Fafnir seems to be a relatively normal, mild-mannered entity. Giblets is an extraordinarily self-centered and greedy character, with enormous stature and power, if only in his own mind. The final contributor claims to be "a higher being with superior knowledge from beyond space and time." To our limited perceptions, it appears as "just another medium lobster," so it is called the Medium Lobster.
Sometimes, amidst the rantings of Giblets and the pedestrian adventures of Fafnir, a regular reader may find hidden arch commentary on the American political scene. Perhaps because of the difficulty in translating concepts from beyond space and time into our limited language, those of the Medium Lobster often seem quite sardonic and witty. To my limited perception. For example:
Update: My, how interesting...
Within that strange mini-universe dwell the three "authors" of Fafblog. Fafnir seems to be a relatively normal, mild-mannered entity. Giblets is an extraordinarily self-centered and greedy character, with enormous stature and power, if only in his own mind. The final contributor claims to be "a higher being with superior knowledge from beyond space and time." To our limited perceptions, it appears as "just another medium lobster," so it is called the Medium Lobster.
Sometimes, amidst the rantings of Giblets and the pedestrian adventures of Fafnir, a regular reader may find hidden arch commentary on the American political scene. Perhaps because of the difficulty in translating concepts from beyond space and time into our limited language, those of the Medium Lobster often seem quite sardonic and witty. To my limited perception. For example:
Shadows, Fog, and MoneyI'd been planning to address these questions in a post myself, but I find a higher being with superior knowledge has just about said all that need be said.
There are precious few matters in the world which are black and white - at least, precious few matters which do not involve killing Arabs and banning icky gay people. In between there are a multitude of complex shades of gray, as in the question of global warming. Is the planet heating up, and if so, are we responsible, and if so, how many years should we spend humming loudly over anyone who informs us that we are responsible until we determine that we are not responsible?
Yesterday the New York Times revealed that a former lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute and current chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality had made substantial edits to a series of reports on climate change in order to play down links between greenhouse gases and global warming. The usual leftist quarters are fired up again, calling for America to join a veritable science jihad, worshiping at the altar of fact when we've yet to hear what fiction has to say about the situation.
One can't be too careful when deliberating over the shifting and byzantine web of confusion and doubt that is so-called "climate" "change." Whom should we believe: the unruly mob of every reputable climatologist on the planet, or the selfless sages at Exxon-Mobil? Uncertainty abounds, even among higher beings like the Medium Lobster. We must examine all sides of the issue, take input from all corners: from the side of science, and from the side of oil industry whores paid to lie about science. Someday, somehow, between these complex and opposing points of view, we may just find an answer.
Update: My, how interesting...
EDITOR OF CLIMATE REPORTS RESIGNS Philip A. Cooney, chief of staff to President Bush's Council on Environmental Quality, has resigned, White House officials said. Mr. Cooney's resignation came two days after documents revealed that he had edited government climate reports in ways that cast doubt on the link between greenhouse-gas emissions and rising temperatures. Mr. Cooney has no scientific training. Dana Perino, a deputy White House press secretary, said the decision was unrelated to revelations about the documents.Uh-hunh.