Friday, January 14, 2005


More from the 20/20 interview:
Bush: "Well, one piece, I hope that 50 years from now people will look back and say, 'Thank goodness old George W. stuck to his beliefs that freedom is . . . is an agent for change, to make the world more peaceful, and that all people deserve to be free. At home I . . . two legacies. One would be a country in which our education system is the best in the world, and secondly that this concept of civic participation, the great compassion of the country has been re-energized, so that neighbor loves neighbor just like they liked to be loved themselves."
Right. George W. Bush, worked hard for peace in the world. Did a lot to bring our country together with compassion, so that neighbor loved neighbor, and we all worked together to build our country. And he really saved our educational system! Gosh, what a guy!

Our educational system will have to be pretty broken if people think that 50 years from now.