Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Four Years and One Day

Good news for the terrorists in Iraq. They only have to hang on for four years and one day.
KUWAIT, Dec. 6 - Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld indicated Monday that he expected American troops to withdraw from Iraq within four years, but he cautioned that any final decision hinged on the progress that Iraq's civilian government and security forces made by then.
During the campaign, the most hedged and cautious attempt by Kerry to actually suggest a date by which we could start bringing troops home was met by derision and ridicule. The favorite Bush attack was to mock Kerry with the assertion that he was giving our enemies a timetable, and that they would only have to wait one day longer. Why this "logic" doesn't apply now, I have no idea. Why is Donald Rumsfeld giving aid to our enemies, and sending these mixed messages?

Meanwhile, just in case you might be worried about the concept of civilian control of the military, and feeling like we're becoming a banana republic, check out George's new look. Apparently, those old hand-tailored suits weren't good enough anymore. (No wonder, since they have those awful rectangular bulges in them!)

I think the epaulets are a nice touch.

At least El Jefe hasn't given himself stars yet.